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The Exodus: An Introduction

The Exodus formed the central event of the history of the Jews. The religions like Judaism, Christianity and finally Islam had looked back to this event in order to trace their history and religion. The Old Testament portrays the Exodus, as an act of deliverance of the people of Israel, from the extreme bondage of slavery from the Egyptians. The ten plagues that ravaged Egypt had ultimately made the Pharaoh give in, and liberate the Hebrews. However, the Pharaoh changes his mind, and as the Hebrews left, he persued them along with his army. Ultimately, the God of Abraham rescues the fleeing party of Moses by creating a passage through the Red sea by parting the waters. And as the Egyptians followed them, the waters returned and the entire Egyptian regiment drowned.

This story of divine intervention through the person of Moses, had impressed the humanity for centuries. The sinful humanity had often taken repose to these stories and sought divine favour and strength. Hollywood resurrected the event to the status of a classic. But were these myths hsitorical? Had they really taken place? Or are they plain and simple stories? Was there any scientific explanation behind the seemingly supernatural events that took place? All these had haunted the scholars for quite a long time. Opinions and possibilities galore. I wud discuss certain possibilities and share my own opinion with you.

Great start :)

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  • I'm Imhotep
  • From Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • A crazy guy with an enormous craze for the ancient.
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